


invertebrates for kids

Figure 1. Invertebrates for kids

What is an invertebrate?

Figure 2. What is an invertebrate?

Behavior of invertebrates

Figure 3. Behavior of invertebrates.

Tropical invertebrates

Figure 4. Tropical invertebrates.

survival of invertebrates

Figure 5. Survival of invertebrates.

life cycle of a butterfly

Figure 6. Life cycle of a butterfly.

beetle drive

Figure 7. Beetle drive.

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What is an invertebrate?


Animals can be divided into two large groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. The main difference between the two groups is that vertebrates have a backbone, whereas invertebrates do not. There are thousands of different types of invertebrates. So, scientists divide them into different groups based on their characteristics. This is called classification (see Figure 2).


Behavior of invertebrates


Due to the fact that invertebrates are really small they can inhabit the tiniest of spaces, which are utilized by other animals or accessible to larger predators. Being so small also means that large numbers of one species can live together (see Figure 3).


Tropical invertebrates


Invertebrates are the most abundant animals in the rainforest. Invertebrates play an important role in their habitat. They help to distribute pollen between plants and flowers. They also help to breakdown leaves and plants when they die. Invertebrates are a readily available food source for birds, reptiles, and animals living in the rainforest (see Figure 4).<


Survival of invertebrates


See Figure 5.


The Life Cycle of a Butterfly


The life cycle of an insect has evolved to ensure their survival. By laying hundreds of eggs in one batch, insects ensure at least some of their young survive. The life cycle of an insect is relatively short, which reduces the window of opportunity for predators to attack (see Figure 6).


Life cycle of a butterfly: activity


Match the pictures with the correct statements to make a complete life cycle of a butterfly .


Have a go: A beetle drive


Copy this picture in Figure 7. To play beetle drive, you must take turns to roll the die. Depending on which number you roll, you can color in a different part of the beetle. The first person to complete their beetle and color in 1 head, 1 body, 2 wings, 2 eyes, 2 antennae, and 6 legs is the winner.