

Steward Observatory

Steward Observatory is the observatory of the University of Arizona, which, together with the Department of Astronomy, form one of the largest academic centers of astronomical studies in the world. Established in 1916 by its first director, Andrew Ellicott Douglass and a bequest made by Lavinia Steward in memory of her late husband, the Steward Observatory now owns and operates the Multiple Mirror Telescope and Mount Graham International Observatory, and also operates a number of other major optical and submillimeter telescopes at several sites in the state. The Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory has pioneered new techniques of large mirror production, including spin-casting and honeycomb mirrors, while the Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics is at the forefront of developments in adaptive optics. Recent and current construction projects within the Observatory have included making the mirrors for the Magellan Telescopes and the Large Binocular Telescope.


Largest instruments operated by the Steward Observatory
telescope aperture (m) wavelength band location
Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope 10 submillimeter Mount Graham
Multiple Mirror Telescope 6.5 optical Mount Hopkins
Bok Telescope 2.3 optical Kitt Peak
Lennon Telescope 1.8 optical Mount Graham
Spacewatch telescope 1.8 optical Kitt Peak
Kuiper Telescope 1.6 optical Catalina
NASA Telescope 1.5 optical Mount Lemmon
1.0-Meter Telescope 1.0 optical Mount Lemmon
Spacewatch telescope 0.9 optical Kitt Peak