Alfvén, Hannes Olof
Gösta (1908–1995)
Alpher, Ralph Asher
Alvarez, Luis Walter
André Marie (1775–1836)
Anderson, Carl David
Angström, Anders
Jonas (1814–1874)
Appleton, Edward
Victor (1892–1965)
Arago, (Dominique)
François (Jean) (1786–1853)
Aristotle of Stagira
(384–322 BC)
Aston, Francis William
Auger, Pierre Victor
Avogadro, Amedeo
Bardeen, John (1908–1991)
Barkla, Charles Glover
Basov, Nikolai Gennadiyevich
(Antoine) Henri (1852–1908)
Georg von (1899–1972)
Bethe, Hans Albrecht
Biot, Jean-Baptiste
Black, Joseph
Blackett, Patrick
Maynard Stuart (1897–1974)
Bloch, Felix (1905–1983)
Bohm, David Joseph (1917–1992)
Bohr, Niels Henrik David
Boltzmann, Ludwig
Boltwood, Bertram
Borden (1870–1927)
Born, Max (1882–1970)
Bose, Satyendra Nath
Bothe, Walther Wilhelm
Georg Franz (1891–1957)
Boyle, Robert (1627–1691)
William Henry (1862–1942)
Brattain, Walter
Houser (1902–1987)
Braun, Karl Ferdinand
Brewster, David
Bridgman, Percy
Williams (1882–1961)
Bussard, Robert W.
Henry (1731–1810)
Celsius, Anders (1701–1744)
Cerenkov, Pavel
Alekseevich (1904–1990)
Chadwick, James
Owen (1920–2006)
Chladni, Ernst Florens
Friedrich (1756–1827)
Clausius, Rudolf
Julius Emanuel (1822–1888)
Cockcroft, John
Douglas (1897–1967)
Compton, Arthur
Holly (1892–1962)
Coolidge, William
David (1873–1975)
Charles Augustin de (1736–1806)
Cooper, Leon
Neil (1930–)
Crookes, William
Curie, Marie
Davis, Ray(mond) Jr.
Davisson, Clinton
Joseph (1881–1958)
Davy, Humphry (1778–1829)
Dewar, James (1842–1923)
Dicke, Robert Henry
Dirac, Paul Adrien
Maurice (1902–1984)
Dunning, John Ray
Dyson, Freeman John
Arthur Stanley (1882–1944)
Eigen, Manfred (1927–2029)
Einstein, Albert
Esaki, Leo (1925–)
Everett III, Hugh (1925–1982)
Ewing, James Alfred
Fabry, Marie Paul Auguste
Charles (1867–1945)
Fahrenheit, Gabriel
Daniel (1686–1736)
Faraday, Michael
Fechner, Gustav Theodor
Fermi, Enrico (1901–1954)
Feynman, Richard
Phillips (1918–1988)
Fitch, Val Logsdon
Fitzgerald, George
Francis (1851–1901)
Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte
Louis (1819–1896)
Foucault, Jean Bernard
Léon (1819–1868)
Franck, James (1882–1964)
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraunhofer, Joseph
von (1787–1826)
Fresnel, Augustin
Jean (1788–1827)
Friedmann, Alexandr
Alexandrovich (1888–1925)
Gabor, Dennis (1900–1979)
Galileo, Galilei
Galvani, Luigi (1737–1798)
Gamow, George (1904–1968)
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Geiger, Hans Wilhelm
Gell-Mann, Murray
Giaever, Ivar (1929–)
Gibbs, Josiah Willard
Gilbert, William
Glaser, Donald Arthur
Glashow, Sheldon
Goudsmit, Samuel
Abraham (1902–1978)
Guericke, Otto von
Guillaume, Charles
Édouard (1861–1938)
Harriot, Thomas (c. 1560–1621)
Hawking, Stephen
William (1942–2018)
Hawksbee, Francis
(died c. 1713)
Heaviside, Oliver
Heisenberg, Werner
Karl (1901–1976)
Helmholtz, Hermann
von (1821–1894)
Henry, Joseph
Hertz, Gustav
Ludwig (1887–1975)
Hertz, Heinrich
Herzberg, Gerhard
Hess, Victor Franz (1883–1964)
Robert (1915–1990)
Hooke, Robert (1635–1703)
Huygens, Christiaan
Irène (1897–1956)
Josephson, Brian
David (1940–1995)
Joule, James Prescott
Onnes, Heike (1853–1926)
Kapitza, Peter Leonidovich
Kastler, Alfred (1902–1984)
Kelvin, Lord (1824–1907)
Kirchhoff, Gustav
Robert (1824–1887)
Kusch, Polykarp (1911–1993)
Lamb, Willis Eugene,
Jr. (1913–2008)
Land, Edwin Herbert
Landau, Lev Davidovich
Langevin, Paul (1872–1946)
Laplace, Pierre Simon,
Marquis de (1749–1827)
Laue, Max Theodor Felix
von (1879–1960)
Lawrence, Ernest
Orlando (1901–1958)
Georges Édouard (1894–1966)
Lee, Tsung Dao (1926–)
Lenard, Philipp Eduard
Anton (1862–1947)
Lippershey, Hans
(c. 1570–c. 1619)
Lippmann, Gabriel
Lodge, Oliver
Joseph (1851–1940)
Hendrik Antoon (1853–1928)
Mach, Ernst (1838–1916)
McMillan, Edwin
Mattison (1907–1991)
Maiman, Theodore Harold
Malus, Étienne
Louis (1775–1812)
Marconi, Guglielmo
Marsden, Ernest (1889–1970)
Maxwell, James Clerk
Mayer, Julius
Robert von (1814–1878)
Mayer, Maria
Goeppert (1906–1972)
Meitner, Lise (1878–1968)
Michell, John (1724–1793)
Michelson, Albert
Abraham (1852–1931)
Millikan, Robert
Andrews (1868–1953)
Hermann (1864–1909)
Morley, Edward Williams
Moseley, Henry Gwyn
Jeffreys (1887–1915)
Rudolf Ludwig (1929–)
Mott, Nevill Francis
Mottelson, Ben
Roy (1926–2022)
Néel, Louis Eugène
Félix (1904–2000)
Neumann, Franz Ernst
Newton, Isaac (1642–1727)
Nobili, Leopoldo (1784–1835)
Oersted, Hans Christian
Ohm, Georg Simon (1789–1854)
(Julius) Robert (1904–1967)
Papin, Denis (1647–1712)
Paschen, Friedrich
Pauli, Wolfgang (1900–1958)
Peregrinus, Petrus
(fl. 13th century)
Petit, Alexis Thérèse
Planck, Max Karl
Ernst Ludwig (1858–1947)
Plateau, Joseph
Antoine Ferdinand (1801–1883)
(Jules) Henri (1854–1912)
Powell, Cecil Frank
Prigogine, Ilya
Purcell, Edward M.
Rabi, Isidor Isaac (1898–1988)
Raman, Chandrasekhar
Venkata (1888–1970)
Rankine, William
John Macquorn (1820–1872)
Rayleigh, John William
Strutt, Third Baron (1842–1919)
Richardson, Owen
Willans (1879–1959)
Ritter, Johann Wilhelm
Röntgen, Wilhelm
Carl (1845–1923)
Rossi, Bruno Benedetto
Rubbia, Carlo (1934–)
Rumford, Benjamin
Thompson, Count (1753–1814)
Ernest (1871–1937)
Sakharov, Andrei
Dimitrievich (1921–1989)
Salam, Abdus (1926–1996)
Schrieffer, John
Robert (1931–2019)
Erwin (1887–1961)
Schuster, Arthur
Karl (1873–1916)
Schwinger, Julian
Seymour (1918–1994)
Seaborg, Glenn Theodore
Seebeck, Thomas Johann
Shockley, William
Bradford (1910–1989)
Siegbahn, Karl Manne
Georg (1886–1978)
Stark, Johannes (1874–1957)
Stern, Otto (1888–1969)
Stokes, George Gabriel
Stoney, (George) Johnstone
Szilard, Leo (1898–1964)
Teller, Edward (1908–2003)
Tesla, Nikola (1856–1943)
Thales of Miletus
(624–547 BC)
Thomson, George
Paget (1892–1975)
Thomson, Joseph
John (1856–1940)
Thomson, William
Ting, Samuel C. C. (1936–)
Torricelli, Evangelista
Townes, Charles Hard
Tyndall, John (1820–1893)
Van der Meer,
Simon (1929–2011)
Van der Waals,
Johannes Diderick (1837–1923)
Van Vleck, John
Hasbrouck (1899–1980)
Volta, Alessandro Guiseppe
Antonio Anastasio (1745–1827)
von Guericke,
Otto (1602–1686)
Walton, Ernest Thomas
Sinton (1903–1995)
Weber, Wilhelm
Weinberg, Steven
Wheatstone, Charles
Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928)
Wigner, Eugene Paul
Wilson, Charles
Thomson Rees (1869–1959)
Wollaston, William
Hyde (1766–1828)
Yang, Chen Ning (1922–)
Young, Thomas
Yukawa, Hideki (1907–1981)
Zeiss, Carl (1816–1888)
Zworykin, Vladimir
Kosma (1889–1982)